Monday, February 20, 2006

tahu tapi tak brapa tahu...

Today, aku sikit tension dan frust ....sebab CT** the big company sudah datang jumpa tech tanya macamana nak convert catia ke machining. Of courseler diorang takbrapa tahu sebab yg pergi training mostly lecturer. So esok aku mgkin Sahar bagi aku contact no. diaorg in fact aku pun tak tahu macamana diorng bole pergi terus ke lab tak melalui aku....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Here each engineering branches is explained. Anything else missing?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Tadi student PSM aku cakap ada member depa gi interview di Balakong as Design Engineer. Pastu lepas interview sikit depa kena tunjuk skills di Solidwork or AutoCAD. Sebab ni batch awal, tak sempat nak ajar Solidwork, cuma AutoCAD shj.

So budak KUTKM ni boleh jugak buat part tu in 2 hours. Yang budak UPM & UiTM pulak tak boleh buat. Yang pempuannya sampai nangis2.

I think this is good for our image. Cuma takkan UPM & UiTM takde software AutoCAD or SolidWork. Anyway I hope after Curriculum Review Workshop coming soon we can have Eng Graphics & CADD II to give full exposure to SolidWork or CATIA to all FKP students.

Our faculty
test...test again...

Friday, February 03, 2006


U can download the Engineering Toolbar from GLOBALSPEC here

The Engineering Websm delivering only engineering-specific content including Application Notes, Material Properties, Patents, Engineering Standards and more
GlobalSpec's database of technical products and services, searchable by specific product attributes

I heard about blogging quite sometime ago. My friends are doing it but it seems I couldn't find the time to do it. I need some space for me to share my thoughts, views, ideas in anything about manufacturing. Manufacturing has always been close to me. It is something that I waste 20 years of my life time, something that I do now and something that I see will be the things that I'll be doing in the near future...

Everybody must have an aim when doing something or the big Why... To me I just want to share and I hope you will share your ideas, criticize, comments or contribute for a subject that interest you. Hope that something good will come out out of this.